Cleans Contaminated Dental Unit Waterlines 

Maintains Dental Unit Water Quality by Removing Contamination


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Mint-A-Kleen® is a Proven Patented Formula & Protocol for Dental Unit Water Bottle & Waterline Treatment by Anodia Systems, LLC (Protected by U.S. Patent: 10,785,998).

EPA Registered Dental Unit Waterline Cleaner offering an Efficient & Effective way to Remove Contamination from Dental Waterlines.

A Trusted, Affordable Solution for the Waterline Infection Control needs of Dental Offices Worldwide.

Convenient Once-Per-Week Process.


  • Mint-A-Kleen’s Treatment by itself meets Dental Unit Water Quality Standards.
  • Does not require the use of multiple products such as powders, tablets, cartridges or filters.
  • Mint-A-Kleen is the only product you need for dental waterline cleaning.
  • Mint-A-Kleen is backed by extensive research and years of use in dental offices across the nation.
  • Our tested and proven formula has been on the market longer than any competitive brand.
  • EPA Registered in all 50 states.


  • 4 oz. once per week.  A 16 oz. Mint-A-Kleen bottle will clean waterlines in one operatory for an entire
    month, with no need for supplementary products.  Mint-A-Kleen is all you need.  Compatible with all
    dental units.


  • Cleans waterlines overnight!  Mint-A-Kleen is used after dental business hours.
  • Mint-A-Kleen’s ingredients do not corrode, clog or leave residue in waterlines, bottles or equipment—meaning that dental offices avoid additional expenses from wear and tear.  Formulated without harsh chemicals.  No impact on bonding.


  • Ready to use. No mixing, no diluting, no mess.

Mint-A-Kleen is a mint blue, liquid solution designed without harsh chemicals to directly contact waterline walls and bottles—thoroughly treating, cleaning and protecting them from buildup of contamination.

Shop our Waterline Cleaning Accessories here!